Meet Your Trainer

Cara Pease
Cara was born with a love for her dogs, her actual first word was "doggie". She grew up with hound dogs, and in 2010 rescued her first pitbull mix, Mischa, which led her to start rescuing and fostering dogs from then on. To date she has fostered over 50 dogs and currently has 5 of her own. In 2011 Cara started working for a pet grooming and dog day camp in Easthampton, Ma which jump started her career with dogs. In 2015 she became a certified Animal Control Officer and in 2020 moved to Hutto, Texas to attend Starmark Academy School for Professional Dog Trainers. After a lot of dedication and hard work, Cara graduated at the top of her class with the certification of Master Canine Trainer and Behavior Specialist. She worked briefly at a training facility in Arkansas and then decided to move back home to Western Massachusetts to start her own company. She is currently a professional member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) and is working on several titles through the American Kennel Club (AKC) with her personal dogs!